Quote Topics:





Men & Women



Do you ever come across a quote that you find holds truth, that you ponder, or that you identify with? Each time I do, I repeat it a few times and tell myself to remember it ...but of course, my memory doesn't recall such things. So I've decided to create a growing list of quotes or good points of advice that I hear or stumble across, from this moment (July 1, 2000) on. Quotations. I suppose that I'm so fond of them because so many have actually made me stop and ponder my actions and thoughts of life. Actually helping to shape who I am ...I suppose you could call them a second set of parents ...is it not your parents who give you vaulable wisdom, lessons, and advice from their own lifetime of experience and from those that have influenced them, that you recall for the rest of your days? Quotations and advice are a treasury of simple, powerful ideas that have transmitted the experience of generations. If you have any favorites that I'm missing or perhaps worthy advice that your Mother (or whom ever ...perhaps some advice of your own) gave you, please send them my way.


New Year's

Valentine's Day

St. Patrick's Day

April Fools' Day


Independence Day



Celebrating the holidays and the traditions and customs that go along with, has been a "routine" of my family my whole life. As I grow older some of the holidays bring new meaning, but they always carry the fond memories of ones past. So, I've created an individual page for each of the major holidays that tells the history of each, offers seasonal backgrounds for your own desktop, a list of songs or movies that go along with the holiday, a listing of traditions of the occasion, holiday ideas of things to do with that special someone ...your family ...or friends, games or crafty ideas to help you "get in the spirit", links to other enjoyable holiday pages, my personal reflections on each holiday ...and more. Anything that you would like to see included on any of the pages ...or perhaps a holiday, please send me an e-mail to let me know.


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